
Riepilogo degli orari in Chiesa

Orari delle S.Messe

A mission statement is typically bold and concise, something memorable that a congregation can aspire to live into. Try to keep it under one short paragraph.

Beliefs Preface Title

If you have a belief or value that is so central to who you are that it deserves more explanation, mention it here. This could a statement on inclusion, for example. You might also choose to preface your beliefs by talking about their source or the process you used to arrive at them. Remember to keep this page authentic but visitor-focused. After all, your website isn’t a membership class.

Chances are this preface may have multiple paragraphs and may be signed by the author, be it a pastor or council. It is always good to show your beliefs in action with an image if you can.

Our Beliefs

Belief One

Explain each belief with the goal of helping visitors imagine how their beliefs will fit with yours, raising trust and inviting curioriosity.

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Visitors will be critical of what they read on this page. It’s best to be transparent and authentic about who you are.

Belief Two

Use an image or an icon to add context to each belief, or remove the image and let the text speak for itself. 

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Try to keep your images in the same “aspect ratio” like 1:1 (a square) or 16:9 (widescreen). This will help maintain a strong grid. Also consider using the same amount of text lines before the “show more” button to maintain a strong grid. Your overflow can be of variable length. 

Belief Three

Common Beliefs that visitors are interested in knowing about might include: Bible, God, Jesus, Church, Communion, Inclusion…

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Trinity, Prayer, Social Justice, Baptism, Salvation, etc.

Belief Four

You don’t have to list all of your beliefs. Include those of greatest interest to guests. Try to stick to 6, 8 (+ a unique extra box), or 9 beliefs. 

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Doing so will help you to maintain a strong grid while not overwhelming your visitors. 

Belief Five

We hope you are enjoying the tips in this content. Open up the “show more” content to see even more important tips.

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Short videos can be great ways to expand on individual beliefs! You could link to videos or sermons about them in these drop-down sections.

Belief Six

Below this row is a button. You can use it to send people to an external site that talks about your denomination’s beliefs (for denominational churches).

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If your church doesn’t have defined beliefs that differ from those of your denomination, you may consider sending them there directly instead of fully building out this section. 

Learn More

Resource One

Optional description of a resource that adds context to your beliefs.

Resource Two

Use this section to give people more information.

Resource Three

Be sure to have external links open in a new tab.

Resource Four

This entire section is optional…

Resource Five

However, it could also help build trust with guests.

Resource Six

You can also use internal links, PDFs, link to books or videos, etc.